Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Good Folks Cathedral Windows Pillow

I'm loving the motivation that the pillow party deadline gives me! Here is my second pillow of my Good Folks couch pillows. I have completed 3 out of the 4, but I am stuck on a design for the fourth. They are all large, 20x20 pillows. The front of each features Good Folks in a different design contrasted with Kona Snow. The backs are all the same design featuring Good Folks surrounded by Kona Coal. I love both sides of this one and couldn't decide which side to enter!

Thanks, Rachel for organizing the Bloggers' Pillow Party!

Blogger's Pillow Party

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pillow Party!

Woohoo! I have only had these pillows in mind for months and finally got around to making them while on maternity leave. Actually, I still have one more to go, but 3 of the 4 are done. They are all a different design but using the same Good Folks fabric. This particular one is inspired by one by Anthropologie. I won't say how many hours this one took me, but I love it!

Blogger's Pillow Party

Monday, May 18, 2009

Tessa - Time Flies

Tessa at 6 1/2 weeks:

And, at 4 1/2 months:

Sometimes she looks like she has gotten bigger overnight!


Mothers' Day Quilt

I made this quilt using Tina Givens' Treetop Fancy line. I had to add a few other complimenting fabrics, but I must like these colors, because I had a few perfect matches on hand. It is my first attempt at stippling/free motion quilting and my first quilt larger than baby-size. I knew my Mom would be the perfect loving recipient of my first. I ended up liking it so much that I made myself a matching table runner (pictures of that to come).

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Good Day

Today, as I lounged around with Tessa in the sun while Ned took 2 finals, I thought would be the perfect day to become a blogger. I read enough of 'em, so I guess it's about time that we start our own. Plus, we're the only ones on Ned's side of the family without a blog, and maybe if I post enough cool pics of our Alaskan adventures I can entice some of my family to move back here!

Back to today: It felt like it was 80 degrees! I even saw a sun-bather across the way, which prompted the toddler next door to wear her own swim suit in the driveway. Turns out the high was only 60, but I wore shorts, flip-flops, and sunglasses and used the AC in my car. I played fetch with Tessa on our circle and talked to neighbors coming out of hibernation whom I had never met, let alone seen, before. I bought and almost ate a whole pineapple. I bought herbs at the nursery. I finished up a Mother's Day project, (photo to come, post Mother's Day) and even got in a few good hours of work. As I am writing this, Tessa is napping next to me on the couch with her head right in my lap. All while Ned is in the middle of his second final of the day. Sorry Nedskies! I hope they went well! Maybe I'll go cook something up for you to eat when you're done!